30Y Bond chart : Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures (UB) and German Euro-Buxl Futures (FGBX) [Monthly]

CME CBOT: UB, 30 Year Ultra U.S. Treasury Bond Futures : U.S. Treasury debt obligation that has a maturity of 30 years. 30-year Treasury will generally pay a higher interest rate than shorter Treasuries to compensate for the additional risks inherent in the longer maturity. Product Code: UB. Contract Unit: Face value at maturity of $100,000. Price Quotation: Points and fractions of points with par on the basis of 100 points. Minimum Price Fluctuation: One 32nd of one point ($31.25 per contract), except for intermonth spreads for which the minimum price increment is one quarter of one thirty-second of one point ($7.8125). Settlement Method: Deliverable. Grade And Quality: U.S. Treasury bonds with remaining term to maturity of not less than 25 years from the first day of the futures contract delivery month.

EUREX: FGBX, 30 Year Euro-Buxl® Futures : Product ID: FGBX. Currency: EUR. Remaining term in years: 24.0 to 35.0. Contract values: EUR 100,000. Settlement: delivery. Price quotation and minimum price change: 0.02 Percent (EUR 20). Last trading day: Two exchange days prior to the delivery day of the relevant maturity month. Contract months: Up to 9 months:The three nearest quarterly months of the March, June, September and December cycle.