EUREX: FOAT Euro-OAT Futures (French Government Bonds futures) prices chart

EUREX:FOAT Euro-OAT Futures (Long-term French Government Bonds futures) :
OAT = Obligations Assimilables du Trésor.

The futures contract is a long-term fixed income futures contract based on notional long-term bonds issued by the French Government. It was introduced in April of 2012.

Ticker Symbol: FOAT.
Contract Size: Notional long-term bonds issued by the French Republic with a remaining term of 8.5 to 10.5 years and an original term of no more than 17 years and a coupon of 6 percent.

Pricing Unit: Eur .01 = 10 EUR.
Tick Value: 10 EUR.
Settlement: Cash and physical.

Contract Months: quarterly months of the cycle March, June, September and December.

Last Trading Day: Two exchange trading days prior to the delivery day of the respective delivery month. End of trading for the maturing delivery month is 12:30 CET.

Trading Hours: 08:00–19:00 CET.