[Trend] CME CBOT: ZN 10-Year U.S. Treasury Note (10Y T-Note) Futures prices CFD Live chart

10 Year US Treasury Note (10Y T-Note, CME CBOT: ZN Futures) :
The price fluctuation of Treasury Note is small. This makes traders bored, on the other hand, it allows traders to do relatively safer and more stable trading.

Contract Unit: Face value at maturity of $100,000
Price Quotation: Points and fractions of points with par on the basis of 100 points
Minimum Price Fluctuation: One-half of one thirty-second (1/32) of one point ($15.625, rounded to the nearest cent per contract), except for intermonth spreads, where the minimum price fluctuation shall be one-quarter of one thirty-second of one point ($7.8125 per contract).
Settlement Method: Deliverable